Vladimir Fishchenko

Senior Software Engineer
Dublin, Ireland

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[Magento 2] Add New Option for Swatch Fix
Dec 23, 2017
2 minutes read

There is a common way to add a new product option programmatically.

// AttributeOptionInterfaceFactory
$option = $this->optionFactory->create();

// ProductAttributeOptionManagementInterface

But it won’t work if a type of attribute is “Swatch”. At least in Magento 2.2.1 and 2.2.2

The problem is already fixed in the development branch and will be available in 2.2.3 and similar 2.1.* release.

But for now, you have to apply the fix by yourself. You need to rewrite the \Magento\Swatches\Model\Plugin\EavAttribute class and update setProperOptionsArray method. That’s how to do it step by step.

  1. Create a new class, for example VF\BestPractices\Model\Swatches\Plugin\EavAttribute.

  2. Rewrite the setProperOptionsArray method with the latest version from magento repository, so the class will look like this.

    namespace VF\BestPractices\Model\Swatches\Plugin;
    use Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Eav\Attribute;
     * Class EavAttribute
     * TODO: Temporary fix - remove after update to magento to 2.2.3 or higher
    class EavAttribute extends \Magento\Swatches\Model\Plugin\EavAttribute
         * {@inheritdoc} 
        protected function setProperOptionsArray(Attribute $attribute)
            $canReplace = false;
            if ($this->swatchHelper->isVisualSwatch($attribute)) {
                $canReplace = true;
                $defaultValue = $attribute->getData('defaultvisual');
                $optionsArray = $attribute->getData('optionvisual');
                $swatchesArray = $attribute->getData('swatchvisual');
            } elseif ($this->swatchHelper->isTextSwatch($attribute)) {
                $canReplace = true;
                $defaultValue = $attribute->getData('defaulttext');
                $optionsArray = $attribute->getData('optiontext');
                $swatchesArray = $attribute->getData('swatchtext');
            if ($canReplace == true) {
                if (!empty($optionsArray)) {
                    $attribute->setData('option', $optionsArray);
                if (!empty($defaultValue)) {
                    $attribute->setData('default', $defaultValue);
                } else {
                    $attribute->setData('default', [0 => $attribute->getDefaultValue()]);
                if (!empty($swatchesArray)) {
                    $attribute->setData('swatch', $swatchesArray);

  3. Add to your module’s di.xml

    <!-- TODO: Temporary fix - remove after upgrade to magento 2.2.3 or higher -->
    <type name="Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Eav\Attribute">
        <plugin name="save_swatches_option_params" type="VF\BestPractices\Model\Swatches\Plugin\EavAttribute"/>

That’s it.

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